04 December 2006

Guidelines for Curation Metadata

At the Curation Workshop I heard the question "Well, when we created our digital collection, we just kept the filenames, but we realize now that that's not enough; what should we have kept as metadata?"

So, I jotted down how I would approach that question, starting from the roles that are played by the metadata. Here is a link to these Guidelines for Designing Metadata
(PDF format). I thought it might be helpful to curators.


Suz said...

This is very interesting! Thanks for sharing.

One of the things I like so much about METS (http://www.loc.gov/standards/mets/) is that it has the 7 areas for metadata: Header, Descriptive, Administrative, Files, Structural Map, Links and Behavior. Even if you don't use METS (or if you use METS but declare various namespaces) - it provides some very good ideas for each of these areas to consider.

I recommend anyone wanting to understand more to go to the website and look at the documentation.

Ricc Ferrante said...

Very insightful. With all the effort we pour into speaking the same 'grammar', it can be easy to lose sight of the fact that the structure (schema) serves to deliver the content. It strikes me that we must not lose sight of either the content or the shared conventions we use to convey that content. Food without a way to market feeds no one; neither does an empty wagon.