30 November 2006


After such a wonderful conference yesterday we would like to keep the discussion going! This blog will be a place for everyone to discuss and comment on the four tracks of Digitization @ SI: Challenges and Opportunities. The tracks are:


Acquisition of asset types now being digitized, the staff and resources used, the use of standards and best practices, and recommended next steps.
: Robert Leopold (NAA) and Steve Paton (STRI)


Management of current digitized material, metadata, storage and care of data, identification of essential aspects for such programs, and recommended next steps.
: Ricc Ferrante (SIA) and Stephanie Smith (CFCH

How SI digitized material and data are being used internally and externally including reuse opportunities, and recommended next steps.
: Michelle Smith (SCEMS) and Joanna Champagne (SAAM)

What it means to share digitized material, current obstacles to sharing, the types of systems that facilitate sharing, and recommend next steps.
Leaders: Merry Foresta (SPI) and Rusty Russell (NMNH)

The image above is from Flickr.com, there are 30,512 photos about smithsonian on Flickr! From tourists and professionals alike images of our building and events are shared everyday. This one was taken by "Pinky's Paperhaus."

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